Friday, October 16, 2009

Howdy! What a week or two it has been here, how about you? I'm having a tough time keeping up with life right now but I'm trying to just smile and wave my way on through. One of our sons has been sick and now my husband is sick as well. It must be my strong female genetics that are keeping me healthy, right? :-) I'd almost rather get it now and be done with it though.
This hockey season feels different. We are starting at a new Association and I'm desperately missing our friends from the old Association. It's funny, hockey families form such a tight bond (at least in my experiences) and they do leave a large void when they change or are disrupted. I miss the players and their families. Getting/giving hugs, sharing "power ball" treats and hearing all of the stories from the guys as we hang out at the arena waiting to get on and off the ice. We took the only established goalie they had at one age level and I hear the players have a kidnapping plot underway to take him back to play with them (and I also know that a certain goalie is really missing his friends and teammates there too and would probably go willingly). Now, for the first time ever, I read a book at practice as we live 40 minutes from the arena and I cannot go home. I know we will get to know the other parents and families as time goes on-they seem like a very nice, close-knit group of families. I'm sure part of it is my fault as I am quiet until I have finished sizing up the group and figuring out who everyone is and their role within the group. I hope someday they will think of us as part of their group and we can have many fun times together. For me, that is the most enjoyable part of the season, spending it with friends, having a great time and the feeling of being a part of the team.

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